FearLess Creatives


Unlock Your Inner FearLess Creative:

Transform Self-Doubt into Unstoppable Confidence


A powerful and supportive coaching course for all creatives and performers,

who want to live a creative life with real confidence and freedom.

Let's DO THIS!

Dealing with imposter syndrome and performance anxiety?

Can't figure out how to show up? 

Just want to feel valued?


(And really want some help already??)


Start by watching this short video...! ⬇️ 😉

Do you dream of embracing your creativity without the shadow of self-doubt? Imagine waking up every day, fueled by unwavering confidence in your creative journey. Picture the projects you could complete, the ideas you could bring to life, and the impact you could make...

...if only fear and the unknown didn't hold you back.

I'm willing to bet you've probably been feeling like this:


➡️ Crippled by performance anxiety

➡️ Not feeling like you can charge what you're worth

➡️ Struggling to freely create and perform, with ease

➡️ Always feeling like someone's judging you

➡️ Not wanting to take up space or compete with others

➡️ Little or no confidence in what you create

➡️ Feeling like a fraud, just waiting to be exposed

*extra loud stage whisper*


...it doesn't have to be this way. It's perfectly possible - for YOU - to take your space in the creative world, and feel just as confident as everyone else around you.

Now, consider the cost of letting these doubts control your creative potential – missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and the lingering question, "What if?"

I've walked this path – battled the same fears, faced similar setbacks. Yes, really. I've been there.

Now, I'm here to guide you through your transformation into a fearless creative.

Q. What would your creative life look like, if you could change all of that?

What if I told you that you could:

✅ Access and tune in to your own true creative identity, and validate yourself as a creative person

Feel more relaxed and confident about showing up in your creative space

✅ Be able to better manage your mindset to handle negative thoughts

Set boundaries to protect you AND your best people around you too

✅ Understand your own worth and value, to charge and actually make money

And you'll have everything I can throw at you, guiding you through the whole process, step by step?

No brainer, right? Click here to join!

Christina Grimmie

“Confidence is not, 'They will like me'.

Confidence instead is, 'I'll be fine if they don't'.”


― Christine Grimmie; Singer, Entrepreneur


Does this programme really work? The "proof is in the pudding"...

Everything in this programme is what I have been taught to use, and is my life experiences both professionally and personally. And I have used this information to MASSIVELY improve my own life. It's 30+ years of the skills and experience I have to share, with skills and techniques from beginner to Masters level, with everything in between.

I'm going to share with you how I've gone from hiding in the shadows blocked from doing my favourite things, to living full-out, flourishing with joy, and enjoying just about everything I do, with confidence

Soooo...what does creative confidence and freedom look like? These amazing clients can tell you.

Lizzie A.

There’s nothing worse than the feeling that you don’t “meet your full potential” - but Jay helps you to stick a finger up at those who tried to set your potential, those who tried to limit your growth, and your own inner walls as you step right on over what you thought you could achieve and get way further.

Amy L.

Crikey! Not only did Jay help me begin to find my self confidence again, but she made the sessions relaxed, focused, and a giggle. Jay managed to pull the curtains back from all the doors of opportunity that were there for me. There were moments where she challenged me to be true and honest with myself and that is never easy, but she did it without me feeling down on myself, or embarrassed. She is worth every moment of the sessions. THANK YOU!!!

Malika H.

Jay is AMAZING. I have had so many breakthroughs with her!! She helped me overcome my biggest trigger and unhelpful pattern😭 and every session with her is like a warm loving slap on the face🤣 but in a good way??😂

You are READY for this - join here!

Why would you be apologetic for wanting to make your own creative life so utterly brilliant?

My own story is simply a blueprint version of the future you, on your own transformative creative journey...

I'm Jay Émme (she/her) - certified  Transformational Life Coach, worldwide solo and session cellist, public speaker, radio presenter...and best of all?

Your personal cheerleader. 🥳


Hey! Soooo.... That photo of me further up this page? Performing on Sid (my cello) and looking like I'm in my element? I get to do that, all the time. Confidently playing music I love as much as my clients, charging what I'm worth, being paid to travel the world with Sid. Yet... I used to get such bad performance anxiety, I'd often stop mid performance because I would shake so violently, I couldn't make my bow keep contact with the strings. And public speaking? That would leave me wheezing with chest pains.

I could barely show up to just enjoy simple creative life pleasures, crippled by my own self, sabotaging everything I wanted to do.

Now? I am living my AuDHD life FULL OUT, enjoying every possible moment, whilst manifesting some seemingly batshit-bonkers brilliance.

Now, I'm regularly asked to speak on podcasts to share my stories to inspire others, I'm often sought after for interviews, articles, and events. All because I live in my truth, and do not let myself get beaten up by the destructive "mental noise".

My mission? Simple. To help you be EVEN MORE goddamn amazing, but without the emotional stress and mental sacrifice. I want to GIVE you all the tools and skills I gained to get here. I want to see you flourish like f*ck.

I want YOU to make YOUR dreams come true.

All I ask for is your trust and determination.

Here are some more amazing people

who have trusted me and shared my story...

Life is too short to just dream the dream...


...so make that beautiful dream a reality sooner than you think.

This programme has been created to give you as much creative confidence as possible, because I believe you have some wicked goals and desires, but you want help getting there.


Why this course is ESSENTIAL FOR YOU:

  • Generate a healthy and supportive belief system for yourself, so you can stop procrastinating on your creativity. Perfect for people who need to show up in front of an audience with authenticity.
  • Build belief in yourself, and in your authenticity, without fear of imposter syndrome. No more feeling like a fraud, or waiting for someone to call you out at what you love to do.
  • Build and cultivate a resilient mindset that not only withstands the challenges of the creative process, but literally thrives on them. Resilience is key to not just surviving but flourishing in your creative pursuits.
  • Unlock Your Creative Potential by learning strategies to break through mental barriers and unleash your full creative power. Understanding how to navigate through periods of doubt and fear is crucial for any creative project or activity.
  • Value yourself, and your amazing creative skills, AND the things you actually create. Feel confident enough to charge your worth, and not compare yourself to random people on the internet.
  • Permanently have a creative confidence coach in your pocket. You will have access to this course for life, and you can upgrade to 1:1 coaching at any time.

(And you'll be able to achieve all of this with one extra invaluable resource... your own personal cheerleader, aka ME! I'll be with you in the group, available for questions, conversations, and more.

Inside the FearLess Creatives course, you will find:


Module 1 - INTRO

(What The What?)

Let's get some serious clarity around what you want your creative life to look like.

Module 2 - MINDSET

(Mindset Management)

Rewrite all of those false truths, and create beautiful new habits to support your future.


(Bigger, Better, Bolder, Badass)

Creating, understanding, and using them for better mental and emotional health balance.

Module 4 - TRUST

(Make Peace, Not War!)

Making peace, giving yourself permission when you need it, knowing it's ok to trust YOU!


(Judgement Day...?)

Understanding and managing the language  and reactions of others around you, to your advantage.


(Let's Create!!)

6 weeks of hard work - put what you've learned into ACTION! (And CELEBRATE YOU whilst we're at it!)



🎉 REWRITE your narrative for ongoing creative success

🎉 Feel RESPECTED whenever you show up, with all you do

🎉 Significantly OVERHAUL your imposter syndrome

🎉 GENERATE your own community who will love you for who you are

🎉 Build CONFIDENCE, TRUST and ACCEPTANCE in yourself

🎉 TRANSFORM from feeling trapped and helpless with no creative flow, into decisive action, and moving effortlessly towards your major creative life and business goals

Life is too short to just dream the dream...


...so make that beautiful dream a reality sooner than you think.


Imagine... if you went full out with this space...you might even begin to see results IMMEDIATELY, all because you trusted in someone who actually believes in you...to help, support, and guide you all the way.

And you KNOW it will work, because that someone (meeee!) is already doing all the things you want to be doing too!





1:1 Coaching Upgrade

One Single Payment


Save £221

1:1 Coaching Upgrade

3 x Monthly Payments of



I'm ready to realise my creative freedom!

Want even more good stuff to help guarantee your success? Of course.


I want you to be even more truly amazing.

Once you've signed up, you will have IMMEDIATE access to your first module. You will also have these bonuses upon completion, to support you with more amazing changes:

BONUS: Creative Life Coaching Companion

It's often a fear that, when the course is over, who or what is left to help you keep going towards more success?

Your PDF booklet contains specific tools I use to accelerate results with my 1:1 clients, helping them create their own personalised toolkit for success. Perfect for continued support and guidance in your creative journey.

BONUS: Mental Mantra Meditation Pack

I love, love, LOVE using meditations and affirmations for mindset work, and it's even better when I can use them on the go.

This pack contains 4 audios for you, recorded by me. Each audio contains 21 confidence building and imposter syndrome busting mantras and affirmations, available with music, ambient, no music AND subliminal, for whatever suits you best!

BONUS: Dreams to Reality Workshop

Looking for a way to fast-track some of your creative dreams which have been just out of reach?

This super-fast 5 module mini workshop is designed to help you create the structure you need to launch some of your amazing dreams and ideas, and actually make them happen. Includes videos and PDF downloads to help you!



goodies, and gifts for you which I share  along the way, all used by myself and my clients!


“A DREAM written down with a date becomes a GOAL.

GOAL broken down into steps becomes a PLAN.

A PLAN backed by ACTION makes your DREAMS COME TRUE.”

― Greg Reid; Author, Entrepreneur

Are you ready to begin your life-changing  transformational journey?


I know and understand that not everyone's situations are the same, but that you still want your amazing results in the best way possible, to get you to where you want to go.

That's why you have access to the FearLess Creatives course FOR LIFE.

It's all yours, no kidding, no catches. Complete the course, and you can return to it whenever you need a boost or recap.

Access the ENTIRE

FearLess Creatives programme:



Top features

  • 6 modules/16 lessons
  • Coaching videos with pdfs
  • Additional course downloads
  • Module workbooks
  • Lifetime access
  • FearLess Creatives Resources HUB
  • Email accountability
  • All additional bonuses
  • Certificate of Completion

UPGRADE option -  go ALL IN with additional bi-weekly 1:1 coaching support?


(I'm ready for it!)


For MAXIMUM opportunity for success, you can add 1:1 coaching with me, throughout the duration of your 3 month course. We will have a session after each module, for extra accountability and clarity, and for MAXIMUM SUPPORT as you work through the course modules.



3 monthly payments

  • Six 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
  • 1 x 30 minute follow-up session
  • 6 modules/16 lessons
  • Coaching videos with pdfs
  • Additional course downloads
  • Module workbooks
  • FearLess Creatives Resources HUB
  • Lifetime access
  • Email accountability
  • All additional bonuses
  • Certificate of Completion

Total price: £1,332
Limited availability




save £221

  • Six 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
  • 1 x 30 minute follow-up session
  • 6 modules/16 lessons
  • Coaching videos with pdfs
  • Additional course downloads
  • Module workbooks
  • FearLess Creatives Resources HUB
  • Lifetime access
  • Email accountability
  • All additional bonuses
  • Certificate of Completion 

Single payment saving £221
Limited availability


This exciting, game changing,

creative confidence coaching programme


All the time in the world belongs to you...


Make that time joyous, rewarding, satisfying, and easy.

Want to know how to guarantee results and make this really work for you?

(It's easier than you think.)

1. Show up.

Be present. Even on the days when you don't feel like it (those days might surprise you, and actually be the best days). You don't have to always bring your "A game". Hell, you don't have to bring any game if you don't want to. But show TF up.

2. Be open.

I will ask questions, and present you with new ideas and thoughts. And they might seem like the most ridiculous things ever. Be open to ANYTHING and everything. Listen to - and hear - as much as you can in our conversations. Be open to suggestion.

3. Be willing.

In order for change to happen, you will need to experience growth, and be moved out of your comfort zone. Be willing to take the action in order to get there. We both know that YOU know that that's where The Good Stuff happens.

Still not sure? That's absolutely fine, I would want to be certain too.

Here's a little more to reassure you:

So here are some last few things which might help you make a decision:

  1. Not that you'll need it, but there's a 14 day, guilt free refund period*
  2. You can contact me, any time, with any questions you might have
  3. You will FINALLY have the coaching and mentoring you need, in an easily accessible, private space
  4. You know you really want help getting from feeling stuck to being confidently awesome
  5. This is a risk-free, super-growth opportunitywith bonuses
  6. This is the most amazing and safe way I can be of on-going accessible service to you
  7. You can view the T&Cs right here, for your info and reassurance

Jenny L.

Musician, Teacher, Creative Visual Artist

Jay is an absolute inspiration - she literally sees no limits, and her many achievements demonstrate this. Her coaching sessions are equally inspirational - Jay’s gentle questions and prompts encouraged me to really dig deep and think. She helped me rediscover my enthusiasm and self-confidence, and prompted me to re-evaluate a lot of things I’d been taking for granted for years. She has supported me massively, cheered me on at every step, and encouraged me to celebrate each and every achievement. I’ve grown, I’ve changed, and I’m happier than I have been in a long time. I can’t thank you enough Jay - you are awesome!

Jo S.

Musician, Hand Dyed YarnSpecialist

 Jay has this really uncanny way of making you channel your thoughts so your dreams - which used to be firmly locked in your head - can start to become a reality. She has helped me to develop what used to be a hpbby and is no starting to become a business reality, by allowing me to believe that I am actually capable of doing this thing. I still have a way to go, but I'm sure that without Jay's guidance and ability to help me believe in myself, I wouldn't be as far along this road as I already am.

I'll keep topping up with sessions, as I'm certain that with Jay's continuing support, my dreams are sure to become reality and I will finally be able to do the thing that makes me feel fulfilled, on a full-time basis.

I'm ready, Jay - let's go!!

Got questions?

Jay Émme, Dip., BA (Hons), MA

Certified Transformational Life Coach

Photos with HUGE THANKS to © The Dignums, © Secù Photography