Client testimonials and kind words


IĀ seeĀ you, wanting to know more about what other people might have experienced with their coaching and mentoring sessions with me. Possibly you're feeling hesitant,Ā maybe you don't know what you'reĀ about to launch yourself into,Ā perhaps you wantĀ that last drop of reassurance and comfort going forward...

...maybe you just want to confirm you're really doing the right thing!

These honest andĀ amazing testimonials below are from just aĀ tiny handful of clientsĀ who have worked with me, and made the step towards getting the help and support they wanted, needed, and deserved.

They've made me giggle, and cry, and made me feel proudĀ of, and in awe of, my wonderful clients.

I hope you join them soon!

Jo S.

Musician, Hand DyedĀ YarnSpecialist

I've known Jay for a few years as a fellow cellist, so when my desire to make my business dream a reality coincided with Jay becoming a business coach/mentor/insert appropriate word here, I was very keen to put her mentoring skills to the test.Ā I wasn't disappointed.

Jay has this really uncanny way of making you channel your thoughts so your dreams - which used to be firmly locked in your head - can start to become a reality. She has helped me to develop what used to be a hpbby and is no starting to become a business reality, by allowing me to believe that IĀ amĀ actually capable of doing this thing. I still have a way to go, but I'm sure that without Jay's guidance and ability to help me believe in myself, I wouldn't be as far along this road as I already am.

I'll keep topping up with sessions, as I'm certain that with Jay's continuing support, my dreams are sure to become reality and I will finally be able to do the thing thatĀ makes me feel fulfilled, on a full-time basis.

Jemma R.

Music and Artist Producer

If you want sessions that are: Amusing, fill you with Confidence and are Enlighteningā€¦ then Jay is the coach for you. She also has an adorable brummy accent, incase compelling accents are dealbreakers for you.

If you arenā€™t sure about coaching, Iā€™d say itā€™s a lot about the person who is coaching you and where youā€™re at - if youā€™re prepared to invest in yourself and want to make changes, Jay will help you because sheā€™s a great coach. But there arenā€™t many superb human beings willing to share their time and experience like Jay so if youā€™re lucky enough to be able to work with her then take the chance and enjoy the experience because it will be life changing, if you let it.

Violet F.


I absolutely love Jay's no nonsense approach to neurodiverse life coaching. She's friendly and personable whilst also being super efficient and somehow manages to get to the crux of the matter without you even realisingĀ she's guiding you there.

After just one session, I felt as though my ambitions were genuinelyĀ doable for the first time ever. This woman is worth her weight in purest gold.

Connie T.

Award Winning Jagua & Henna Artist

I came to Jay when I was at a crossroad between my ā€˜side-hustleā€™ and my day-job. We talked about how I viewed the day-job as a sensible, grown up, reliable career, and saw my side hustle as less secure. She helped me to see the entrepreneurial nature in me, and realise that my side hustle is just as solid a choice for making an income as a ā€˜sensibleā€™ day job can be - because the drive and the energy comes from me and the love I have for what I do. Jay will forever represent that fork in the road for me. You need to be heard and you need to be cheered on, bolstered by your coach and mentor. And that is precisely what Jay does. Invest in yourself and try at least one session with Jay. Itā€™ll be worth it!

Lea C.

Photographer, Visual Artist

Jay is an amazing human of many talents, and the coaching world is now lucky enough to have her involved now as well. Iā€™ve never had a life coaching session before and Jay had me instantly addicted. She is thoughtful and kind, incredibly insightful, and shows a genuine interest in helping you succeed. To have her specialize in helping those with ADHD like me, is icing on the cake. I feel so seen!

Lizzie A.


Jay is as spectacular as she is irritating - but let me be clear that the irritating is purely because sheā€™s so right, sees straight through the nonsense excuses I make, and points out the ways in which I can simplify my own life by justā€¦pausing a second.

Thereā€™s nothing worse than the feeling that you donā€™t ā€œmeet your full potentialā€ - but Jay helps you to stick a finger up at those who tried to set your potential, to limit your growth, and your own inner walls as you step right on over what you thought you could achieve and get way further.

Nicki B.


I had my first session with Jay recently. Over the years I have had various coaches and therapists and I can honestly say that for the first time I felt that my coach "got" me completely - this allowed me to be more open and honest and therefore come away feeling I had actual realistic, achievable goals. Jay is an incredible coach and I would, without hesitation recommend her to anyone. Thanks Jay ā¤

JennyĀ L.

Musician, Teacher, Creative Visual Artist

Jay is an absolute inspiration- she literally sees no limits, and her many achievements demonstrate this. Her coaching sessions are equally inspirational - Jayā€™s gentle questions and prompts encouraged me to really dig deep and think. She helped me rediscover my enthusiasm and self-confidence, and prompted me to re-evaluate a lot of things Iā€™d been taking for granted for years. She has supported me massively, cheered me on at every step, and encouraged me to celebrate each and every achievement. Iā€™ve grown, Iā€™ve changed, and Iā€™m happier than I have been in a long time. I canā€™t thank you enough Jay- you are awesome!

Malika H.

Women's Life Coach

Jay is AMAZING. I have had so many breakthroughs with her!! She helped me overcome my biggest trigger and unhelpful pattern šŸ˜­ and every session with her is like a warm loving slap on the face šŸ¤£ but in a good way?? šŸ˜‚

Amy L.

Creative Entrepreneur

Crikey! Not only did Jay help me begin to find my self confidence again, but she made the sessions relaxed, focused, and a giggle. It has been a really rough year for me, and Jay managed to hear that and acknowledge it, at the same time as pulling the curtains back from all the doors of opportunity that were there for me. She gave me SO much to think about, as well as little tasks to do. Yup - there were moments where she challenged me to be true and honest with myself and that is never easy, but by the glorious tale feathers of a cockerel, she did it without me feeling down on myself, or embarrassed. I will be booking another session in the near future. She is worth every moment of the session. THANK YOU!!!

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Please do leave your own testimonial after your session!

Your voice is a very powerful one...

And what better way to use it, than to tell someone else about a wonderful opportunity?

In the interests of clarity!!! Submitting your testimonial will subscribe you to my mailing list. HOWEVER. Spam absolutely SUCKS. That's why you won't get any from me, and you can unsubscribe at any time.