Jay Émme


Audacious Creative Coach,

Solo & Session Cellist,

Passionate Public Speaker,

Neurodivergent, Obstacle Obliterating Cheerleader!


Supporting, encouraging, and advocating for neurodiverse AND neurotypical creatives, and people with big life goals, who want to create new and amazing realities, and to become even more audacious and incredible than they already are.

Looking for transformational life coaching? Then I've got what you need!

Jay Émme


Audacious Cellist,

Creative Coach,

Public Speaker,

Neurodivergent Cheerleader!


Supporting, encouraging, and advocating for neurodiverse AND neurotypical creatives, and people with big life goals, who want to create new and amazing realities, and to become even more audacious and incredible than they already are.

Want to lead the lifestyle of an incredibly successful and independent creative individual? Take the first step right here!

Let's gooooo!!! ➡️

Seen, featured, trusted by, and heard on...


Hey - Say hello to your

next big leap!


Friend? I've been where you are right now.


Years and years (and YEARS) of riding the struggle bus, trying to mould myself into someone else, tamping down my creativity, playing small and trying not to "shine too bright"; spending faaarrrrrr too long thinking I had to be small, be restricted, and that certain things weren't allowed for me.

I believed I was supposed to push through, tolerate, and wait for everything to come to me. To basically believe that, in order to succeed, I had to be everything I'm not.

And then I learned...that's bullsh⁄t.

Now, I'm a worldwide luxury solo cellist, certified creative life coach, and public speaker, and I have the utter JOY AND FREEDOM of making a living with the successful creative life
I WANT to live.
(Instead of the one random people TOLD me I should live. Sheesh...)

Soooo...How the hell did I do it?

Via supportive outside-the-box thinking, incredible, eye-opening, and mind expanding conversations; serious coaching support, and a beautifully curated community of people who believed in me...

And I know how to do this for you, to encourage you to believe in the same of yourself.

It's ok to embrace the creative life you want, unapologetically.

In fact, to do so is absolutely BRILLIANT.

Let's get started! ➡️
Photo with MASSIVE thanks to The Dignums, taken at Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza, Digbeth, Birmingham

Can I offer you

some awesome goodies?


Please take what you need; these are for you to use, as often as you wish. They are designed to help you within different areas of your creative and/or ADHD life, and they're a great intro to creative coaching!


Free ADHD Self Care Mini Course


Email mini course in harnessing your inner ADHD critic and improving your confidence.


Get Your Free Course


Safe, Quick & Easy Dopamine


From food to activities to lifestyle; here's what you need for mini feel-good boosts.


Download your Check List


Set Your ADHD Life Boundaries


Learn to increase and protect the safety of your own personal ADHD life space.


Get Your Free Cheat Sheet
"I absolutely love Jay's no nonsense approach to neurodiverse life coaching. She's friendly and personable whilst also being super efficient and somehow manages to get to the crux of the matter without you even realising she's guiding you there.
After just one session, I felt as though my ambitions were genuinely doable for the first time ever.
This woman is worth her weight in purest gold."


Violet Fenn

Published Author

Daily Coaching Private Podcast

"60 Second Coach" videos,

and the cosmicgirlie chronicles Podcast

Come join me on Patreon for easily accessible creative coaching goodness! This is the place where you can access creative coaching in your pocket:

  • FREE: daily 60 Sec Coach shorts
  • MEMBERSHIPCosmicgirlie Chronicles members podcast, earlybird news, downloads, Group coaching, 1:1 access, community chat, live hangouts, download requests

(Yep - there's LOADS of stuff for you!)

Click Here to Join the Action! ➡️

Regardless of the path you choose to create, my signature coaching course and my creative coaching services are designed to help you get the best for you, and to develop your creative goals and dreams.


This is the place for creative people looking to change their lives with a whole new level of freedom and fun!

Want to work with me directly?
Sign up for my signature coaching course!


FearLess Creatives

Elevate your creative confidence and freedom
to a whole new level!


What if you discovered that the creative "rules" you were supposed to follow, and the stories you were told to accept, were just a bunch of beliefs which didn't belong to you?

This is a game-changing creative coaching course, designed specifically by a creative person, for brilliant creative people like YOU!

This programme has been created to give you as much ongoing support as possible. I know you have some wicked goals and desires, but you want some help getting there, from someone who's been where you are now, and already tried all the things you're fighting with!

  • Increase your creative presence with confidence
  • Generate a healthy and supportive belief system for yourself
  • Show up in front of your audience with confidence and authenticity
  • Manage Imposter Syndrome with ease
  • Learn to set effective boundaries
  • Value yourself, and your amazing creative skills
  • Feel confident enough to charge your worth
Let's get going!! ➡️

Your self value should be paramount to you. 

Your success is personal to me.

You’re not in this alone, and I want to help you see you shine.





"...there aren’t many superb human beings willing to share their time and experience like Jay, so if you’re lucky enough to be able to work with her then take the chance and enjoy the experience,
because it will be life changing, if you let it."


Jemma R.

Music and Artist Producer

I'm ready Jay - let's work together!

What if...

...you discovered that...

...the "rules" you were supposed to follow...

...the stories you were told to believe...

were just a bunch of stories which didn't belong to you?

I myself spent too long thinking I had to be small, be restricted, and that certain things weren't allowed for me.


And then I learned...that's bullshit.


Via thinking outside-the-box, and incredible eye-opening (and mind expanding) conversations, I encourage you to believe the same of yourself.


It's ok to unapologetically embrace the creative life you want.

In fact, it's BRILLIANT.

Photo with MASSIVE thanks to The Dignums, taken at Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza, Digbeth, Birmingham